Breaking free from a narcissist’s control is one of the most challenging things that someone could ever do. Narcissists rely primarily on their supply, which is made up of people who they have emotionally, financially, and psychologically mistreated. They always find the need to abuse and manipulate other people to fulfill their desires and prove that they are superior to everyone else.
A quick tip for everyone who has suffered from a narcissist is that you must keep reminding yourself why you need to leave. There are numerous ways to seek freedom, and it all begins with your firm decision to start here.
10 Things You Must Do To Get Out And Break Free From A Narcissist’s Control:
Number 1: Don’t Ever Tell Them That You Are Leaving.
You know what narcissists are capable of, so you need to get to the first step of keeping your plans secret. Never tell them that you are leaving or have plans to leave them. You shouldn’t tell narcissists that you want to end the relationship right away, as this will give them a chance to figure out how to manipulate you again. It may sound irrational, but a narcissist will respond in many ways.
They’ll start love-bombing you to keep you emotionally imprisoned in the relationship. Narcissists will do this through trauma bonding. Their behaviors will become much more poisonous and potentially harmful to your overall wellness, physical safety, or reputation.
Number 2: Prepare Yourself By Learning To Own Your Truth And Reality.
When breaking free from a narcissist’s control, one must learn to acknowledge their truth and reality. Know and understand yourself so you can cultivate self-acceptance. This step will open doors for you to genuinely love and care for yourself. You will eventually discover a lot to help you prepare for that significant exit in your life.
Check your devices for trackers, log out of everything, keep a copy of your documents, and always be one step ahead of a narcissist. Once you do this, you will prepare yourself for more extraordinary things ahead.
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Number 3: Set Healthy Boundaries And Don’t Give Them Chances.
This step is a crucial one toward breaking free from a narcissist’s control. Set healthy boundaries and stop giving them chances. They have plenty of excuses, so you should stand firm. If something happens once, give a warning, but if it happens again, it’s a pattern. Narcissists thrive on controlling the terms, so never risk giving them another chance to hurt you. You never know when your chances will run out.
Number 4: Don’t Be Deceived By Their Flattery And Pleading Sob Stories.
A narcissist’s goal is to create an environment where the abused victim feels pressured to stay. Suddenly, the relationship seems like everything you wanted, or you are too tired and afraid to leave. Narcissists will play with your emotions and use extreme flattery to keep you from leaving.
When a narcissist begins to manipulate you again, be aware. They’ll tug at your heartstrings to persuade you to stay. They’ll start to apologize and create drama out of your shared history. They will switch between being a savior, a persecutor, and a victim. Remember, the best choice is to leave and never look back.
Number 5: Seek Help And Support From Trusted Family And Friends.
Narcissists want to isolate you from your family and friends, so you may not have seen them in a long time. The narcissist may have turned you against them by spreading fear and lies. Don’t be afraid to reach out and reconnect with people you trust. Surround yourself with goodness and healthy individuals who will support you.
Number 6: Stay Away And Remind Yourself Every Day.
When reality sets in, it may be tempting to go back. After leaving a narcissist, always make sure you stay away. The good times you remember were likely lies. Narcissists are good at pretending to be someone they’re not. No matter how many chances you give, the result will always be the same. Dealing with a narcissist is like riding a rollercoaster the highs, lows, twists, and turns are predictable.
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Number 7: Make A List Of The Bad Things They Ever Did To You.
Narcissists will always find ways to get what they need from you. After the breakup, keep a list of the terrible things they did to you. When the narcissist tries to communicate with you, read that list. This may bring back negative emotions, but keep in mind that it was real. Fuel empathy for yourself, and treat yourself better.
Number 8: Don’t Rush Anything. Take Your Time To Heal.
Allow yourself to heal at your own pace. After experiencing narcissistic abuse, victims may seek out abusive people again, thinking they can change them. It’s essential to work through your pain before getting into another relationship. Reclaim everything that was taken from you. Once you’ve recovered, you’ll be ready to discover someone who truly deserves you.
Number 9: Stay Firm And Ground Yourself.
After a toxic breakup, re-establishing your grounding may be difficult. Flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety may occur, but stay firm. Don’t let those memories take over your life. Discover the things that drew you to the narcissist, and break the spell.
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Number 10: Shift Your Energy And Attention To Purposeful Activities.
Manage what you pay attention to and shift your energy to meaningful activities that help you recover. Volunteering or pursuing things you enjoy will provide you with something positive to focus on. When your attention wanders guide it back, Don’t let a narcissist or toxic people disrupt your goals and healing process.
Being in a relationship with a narcissist is challenging, and breaking free from their control may be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do. At first, you might remember the good times but don’t forget that narcissists are always amusing at the beginning. Do you long for the days when you were deceived and undervalued? Likely not.
Forgive, reclaim your power, and let go of toxic emotions. Once you’ve set boundaries or left the relationship completely, you can finally move forward.
Read More: 7 Things Narcissists Do When They Lose Control Of You
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