10 Things That Will Hurt A Narcissist Forever


Number 9: When you correct them or call out for their actions.

It goes against everything they believe about themselves- that they can do no wrong and that everyone else is wrong. A narcissist will never forget an insult or a failure, so you mustn’t correct them or call them out for their actions.

They will hold the greatest forever, and they aren’t afraid of revenge, they thrive on it. Narcissists may try to make you feel guilty for upsetting them or tell you that you are the one who is insecure and needs to take a look at yourself.

They may respond with anger or rage or try to turn the tables on you by making you feel guilty for making them feel bad about themselves. When you correct or call them out, you make it clear that they have made a mistake which, narcissists hate to hear.

Number 10: When you see them as they are.

Narcissists will do everything to keep people from seeing their true colors, but it hurts them when someone doesn’t fall for it. It makes them feel vulnerable and exposed, which narcissists do everything they can to avoid.

They are convinced they are the best and will do anything to ensure everyone else sees them that way. No matter how much time passes, they never forget when someone sees them for what they are.

Narcissists can be charming; when you look past the mask and see their true colors, you will suddenly realize that everything about them is fake. They have a hard time seeing themselves as they are, they need to see themselves as better than everyone else, so they’ve built up a false image of who they are and their life.

Remember, hurting a narcissist is not tricky, what is difficult, however, is making them repeatedly feel the hurt they cost you. What hurts a narcissist forever are words that wound their ego, and call their image into question, and just as anything that makes them feel less than perfect.

Read More: 8 Reasons Why Narcissists Hate Being Ignored

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