10 Things That Will Hurt A Narcissist Forever


Number 7: When you reject, criticize or make fun or make fun of them.

Narcissists dislike being criticized, rejected, or made fun of. When you do any of these things, you reinforce the idea that you don’t like them. You are also supporting the idea that they’re not good enough.

Reinforcing their self-doubt and making them feel terrible about themselves. This can make narcissists feel hurt and upset for a long time. They may even hold a grudge against you for years.

Narcissistic people need to feel wanted and appreciated by others to feel good about themselves. So, if you reject them or criticize them in any way, they will feel that as a personal attack on their character. They have fragile Egos and are easily hurt by even minor insults.


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Number 8: When you give others the compliment and praise they want.

Narcissists are notorious for being full of themselves, they talk about their accomplishments brag about them, and think everyone else is jealous of them. They are also known for being envious of Petty regarding other people’s achievements.

Narcissists may act happy for someone when they get a promotion or win an award. This will not be for long; narcissists will soon undermine their success and make them feel less than themselves.

If you want to get under their skin and hurt them forever, give other people praise and compliments that narcissists think they deserve. If you see someone else doing something amazing or accomplishing something great, let them know how impressed you are by telling them directly.

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