10 Things That Will Hurt A Narcissist Forever


Number 5: When you don’t give them attention anymore.

Narcissists are so used to people giving them attention. It’s hard for them to imagine a world where they are not the center stage. They crave the spotlight and expect everyone else to be as interested in them as they are in themselves.

It hurts a narcissist when you don’t give them the attention they think- they deserve. They want to feel like they are the most critical person in your life and that you would never do anything without thinking of them first.

The biggest rule of narcissists is that they need constant attention. If you stop giving them this attention, they will lash out at you in ways that can be highly damaging and often unexpected. Narcissists tend to overreact and make situations much worse than they are.

You can’t expect them to be able to just get over the fact that you don’t want to give them attention anymore. It will surely take time for them to recover from this rejection.

Number 6: When you think they don’t even exist.

Narcissists are all about being seen, so they can be a massive blow to their egos if you don’t acknowledge their existence. They want to be recognized as real and vital, not just by you but by everyone.

If you ignore a narcissist or treat them like they don’t matter, it will surely drive them crazy. If you’ve ever had a narcissist, you know how they can get distraught over the most minor things.

They tend to be very focused on how other people see them, so if you don’t acknowledge their presence or acknowledge them as a person, it damages their self-esteem in a big way.

They can feel like the world is collapsing around them, making them crumble, not being able to exist in someone’s life can deeply hurt a narcissist. Making it seem that others don’t see their value.

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