Top 7 Things Narcissists Will Do When You Go No Contact


Number 6: Narcissists will play the victim.

They are experts at manipulating people in situations to their advantage. When you go no contact, they’ll have to work harder to get what they want. Narcissists will often play the victim, that way, it looks like you’re the one who did something wrong. They’ll tell you that you abandoned them, that you’ve hurt them by not responding, or that your silence makes them feel isolated and unloved.

They might even try to make you feel guilty for ignoring them. Narcissists are very good at making people feel bad about themselves, so don’t let their tactics get to you. They have a deep-seated need to be seen as victims by everyone around them.

They’ll try to turn your friends and family against you, they may send them messages or emails asking for help or telling them you’re abusive. Narcissists will also try to get other people involved in their dramas so that you look bad in comparison.

Number 7: Narcissists will make up excuses to get in touch with you.

They are master manipulators who will use any opportunity to get what they want. When you go no contact, they’ll try to make excuses to get in touch with you. This could be anything from a sudden change of heart to an emergency. It could be hard to say no when they ask for help if you’re still emotionally invested in their relationship.

It’s important to remember that even if the request is reasonable, it’s still not okay for them to contact you without your consent. Narcissists are controlling, even if you’re trying to cut them out of your life, they may try to get back into it by coming up with reasons why they should remain a part of it. They’ll say “I’m sorry that things ended between us, but I think we could still be friends”. “I need help moving this weekend”. Or “Can we meet for coffee”?

Narcissists don’t want anything from you, they just want to maintain control over your emotions and manipulate you into feeling guilty. They thrive on attention and validation. When someone leaves and goes no contact with them, they feel abandoned and unloved. This makes them feel like they are not good enough, which all narcissists constantly struggle with.

When you cut off communication with them, they simply take it as a personal rejection. Although at first, they may try to persuade you to reconsider, if you stick to your decision, the narcissists will stop attempting to get in touch with you and move to get their new supply.

Read More: What Makes narcissists Crazy Thinking about?

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