Top 7 Things Narcissists Will Do When You Go No Contact


Number 4: Narcissists who tried to guilt-trip you into talking to them again.

If you have no contact with a narcissist, they’ll do everything in their power to get back in touch with you. This is to continue to manipulate and control you. Narcissists may do this by sending long texts about how much they miss you or how sorry they are for all the pain they’ve caused.

Narcissists might even try to convince you that their behavior wasn’t intentional and promise that things will be different next time. They say things like: “You don’t love me anymore”. Or “I was going through a rough time and needed some space, but now I feel like we can start over again”.

Narcissists are incapable of feeling love or comparison toward anyone other than themselves, so there’s no point in talking it out with them. The truth about narcissists is that they don’t feel anything for anyone. Still, themselves so talking about how sorry they are isn’t going to change anything.

It’s another way for them to ensure that their needs are met at your expense. You’ll never be able to change their behavior by doing so because they don’t want to change, to begin with.

Number 5: Narcissists will try to lure you back in. 

When you go no contact, it can be hard not to fall over the narcissist’s tricks again. After all, you’re used to being lied to by them, manipulated by them, and treated like trash. When you break off contact with a narcissist, they will likely try to lure you back in, they’re like a spider waiting for their prey.

Narcissists tell you they miss you, need you, and are sorry for whatever they did to upset you, they’ll lure you back in with Promises of change, or even emotional manipulation. Narcissists know that the more time you spend together, the easier it will be for them to get back into your good graces.

They are known for manipulating people into doing what they want and getting what they need. When you have no contact with a narcissist, do not give in. If you give in and let them come back into your life after having no contact with them, chances are pretty good that things won’t get better; they’ll surely get worse as time goes on.

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