10 Things Narcissists Will Do If you Move On


Number 9: They will pretend it doesn’t bother them.

The narcissist will pretend it doesn’t bother them. They won’t engage in open conflict and will try to act like everything is fine. Still, you can tell by their body language that they’re pretty upset about the situation. They don’t want to show weakness or admit they were wrong, so they won’t admit to being hurt. It’s part of their game of keeping everything under control and in the shadows.

Narcissists might even act as if they are happy for you, but that is because they want to make sure you don’t start to get any ideas about coming back. They’ll act like it was no big deal like they never cared about you in the first place.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

Number 10: They will attack your new partner.

When you move on, the narcissist will probably attack your new partner. They may try to make you feel guilty, or they may even threaten you or your partner. Narcissists will do everything they can to make your life miserable and try to get you back, even if it means destroying the happiness you found with someone else.

The best way to protect yourself from the wrath of a narcissist threatening your new relationship is to remember that what they’re doing has nothing to do with you or your new partner; It’s all about them trying to boost their ego. It’s important to remember if you’re moving on from a relationship with a narcissist, don’t worry about what he thinks or does, and don’t let him make you feel guilty for leaving him behind. You deserve better than that.

 Narcissists don’t really care about anyone else but themselves. For them, it’s all about feeling Superior and Powerful by getting their needs met.

Read More: 8 Types of People That Will Drive Narcissists Crazy.

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