10 Things Narcissists Will Do If you Move On


Number 7: They will accuse you of cheating on them.

 If you decide to move on from your relationship with a narcissist, they will likely accuse you of cheating on them. They will claim that they saw you flirting with another person, just to put the blame and fault on you. The narcissist will claim that these actions indicate that their partner has been unfaithful.

Narcissists will usually be able to convince themselves that this is true. This is because it’s easier for them to blame their emotional issues on another person than admit that they have an emotional problem. They also do this because it makes them feel like they have power over their exes, which gives them a sense of control.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

Number 8: They will act crazy and erratic.

Narcissists get so used to being the center of attention. They can’t handle it when you stop paying attention to them, so if you start to move on, they’ll respond by acting crazy and erratic. They may become angry, blame you for the breakup, or try to convince you to get back together.

Narcissists might constantly call or text dozens of times a day. They might show up at your house unannounced, or send gifts or emails begging for forgiveness. They might even try to convince you that everything is fine between the two of you when it clearly isn’t and blame you when it doesn’t work out.

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