10 Things Narcissists Will Do If you Move On


Number 5: They will spread rumors to destroy your reputation.

Narcissists are obsessed with maintaining control over their environment and its people. When they realize they can’t control someone anymore, they often spread rumors about them. This is to discredit them and ensure they no longer have any power over them.

Narcissists will spread rumors about you, and make sure everyone knows how terrible you are. They want everyone to believe that they are the victim and that you’ve drawn them in some way. This can take many forms: From telling stories about how you’re unstable, or unreliable at work, and spreading rumors about you cheating on your partner so no one will want to date you.

Number 6: They will act jealous and possessive.

The Narcissist will act jealous and possessive. This behavior is designed to make you feel as though you’re obliged to stick around. They want you to believe they’ll be miserable without your presence and attention. But the truth is, that they’ll just find someone else who will give it to them.

Narcissists can be very jealous, and if you move on, they will likely act possessively and try to make sure you’re not dating anyone else. If you start dating someone else, the Narcissist will probably make an effort to turn your new partner against you. They may even try to make your partner feel like they’re the one who is in the wrong.

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