10 Things Narcissists Will Do If you Move On


Number 3: They will insist you made a mistake.

Narcissists are always looking for validation, so if they see that you’re moving on, they’ll try to convince you that you’re making a mistake by leaving them. They might even make you feel guilty or blame themselves for things that happen in the relationship; they’ll do anything to get your attention again.

Narcissists will put on a convincing act of being hurt and confused by your decision. The Narcissist will try to manipulate you into staying in their relationship by playing the victim. They will try to make you feel guilty for moving on. Still, if you have been through this before and know what to look out for, it’ll be easy to see through their façade.

Number 4: They will make you feel like leaving.

They will make you feel like you’re being unreasonable and selfish like they can’t imagine life without you, and they would be lost without your support. Narcissists will do this by telling you how much they love and need you. How much better their lives are with you in them, and how much happier they are when they’re with you.

It’s easy to fall for this line of thinking, especially if it’s coming from someone who matters to you the most. But what we need to understand is that these feelings are like traps. Narcissists will try to manipulate us into staying by manipulating our emotions and making us think that we owe them something.

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