10 Things Narcissists Will Do If you Move On


Have you stopped seeing or moved out of a relationship with a narcissist? Good riddance!

But when a narcissist sees you with someone else and knows that you’re over him, this person won’t like it one bit. What does a narcissist do, and what can when he sees that you have moved on?

Ending a relationship with a narcissist isn’t something that they’re used to – so don’t expect that everything will be smooth sailing when you walk away. Even if you get on with your life, it doesn’t work that easily with your narcissistic ex.

If you’ve been dating a narcissist, you might wonder what will happen when you break up and move on from them. Narcissists are often very possessive of their partners and may have trouble letting go of them.

Here are 10 things narcissists will do if you move on.

Number 1: They will stalk you on social media.

Once you break up and move on from a narcissist, be prepared for them to lurk on your social media pages. If you change your relationship status from in a relationship to single, then narcissists will probably notice. They’ll often send you messages friend request you, and try to communicate with you in any way they can. This isn’t because they miss you, they want to keep tabs on what you’re doing. This allows them to feel superior to you, which helps their fragile egos stay intact.

Narcissists like to have as many sources of information as possible, to keep track of every detail of their victims’ lives, and use it against them. They might even post negative comments about you on your profile, and start leaving passive-aggressive comments on your posts. Narcissists might also try to contact people who know both of you and ask them for information about what’s going on with you.

Number 2: They will promise to change.

Narcissists are incredibly manipulative people, so if you move on from them, they will do everything in their power to make you change your mind. They’ll offer a seemingly sincere apology, and claim that they will change their ways. They might even tell you that you’re the only person who can fix them, or that no one else will ever be able to make them happy.

Narcissists may say they have had a wake-up call, and you’re the only one who truly understands them. They’ll tell you that they’ve heard your message, and are willing to do whatever it takes to make things right between you. If it sounds too good to be true, probably is! The narcissist will say anything and mean nothing to keep you in their clutches, and if they were really sincere about changing, they wouldn’t have done what they did in the first place.

Number 3: They will insist you made a mistake.

Narcissists are always looking for validation, so if they see that you’re moving on, they’ll try to convince you that you’re making a mistake by leaving them. They might even make you feel guilty or blame themselves for things that happen in the relationship; they’ll do anything to get your attention again.

Narcissists will put on a convincing act of being hurt and confused by your decision. The Narcissist will try to manipulate you into staying in their relationship by playing the victim. They will try to make you feel guilty for moving on. Still, if you have been through this before and know what to look out for, it’ll be easy to see through their façade.

Number 4: They will make you feel like leaving.

They will make you feel like you’re being unreasonable and selfish like they can’t imagine life without you, and they would be lost without your support. Narcissists will do this by telling you how much they love and need you. How much better their lives are with you in them, and how much happier they are when they’re with you.

It’s easy to fall for this line of thinking, especially if it’s coming from someone who matters to you the most. But what we need to understand is that these feelings are like traps. Narcissists will try to manipulate us into staying by manipulating our emotions and making us think that we owe them something.

Number 5: They will spread rumors to destroy your reputation.

Narcissists are obsessed with maintaining control over their environment and its people. When they realize they can’t control someone anymore, they often spread rumors about them. This is to discredit them and ensure they no longer have any power over them.

Narcissists will spread rumors about you, and make sure everyone knows how terrible you are. They want everyone to believe that they are the victim and that you’ve drawn them in some way. This can take many forms: From telling stories about how you’re unstable, or unreliable at work, and spreading rumors about you cheating on your partner so no one will want to date you.

Number 6: They will act jealous and possessive.

The Narcissist will act jealous and possessive. This behavior is designed to make you feel as though you’re obliged to stick around. They want you to believe they’ll be miserable without your presence and attention. But the truth is, that they’ll just find someone else who will give it to them.

Narcissists can be very jealous, and if you move on, they will likely act possessively and try to make sure you’re not dating anyone else. If you start dating someone else, the Narcissist will probably make an effort to turn your new partner against you. They may even try to make your partner feel like they’re the one who is in the wrong.

Number 7: They will accuse you of cheating on them.

 If you decide to move on from your relationship with a narcissist, they will likely accuse you of cheating on them. They will claim that they saw you flirting with another person, just to put the blame and fault on you. The narcissist will claim that these actions indicate that their partner has been unfaithful.

Narcissists will usually be able to convince themselves that this is true. This is because it’s easier for them to blame their emotional issues on another person than admit that they have an emotional problem. They also do this because it makes them feel like they have power over their exes, which gives them a sense of control.

Number 8: They will act crazy and erratic.

Narcissists get so used to being the center of attention. They can’t handle it when you stop paying attention to them, so if you start to move on, they’ll respond by acting crazy and erratic. They may become angry, blame you for the breakup, or try to convince you to get back together.

Narcissists might constantly call or text dozens of times a day. They might show up at your house unannounced, or send gifts or emails begging for forgiveness. They might even try to convince you that everything is fine between the two of you when it clearly isn’t and blame you when it doesn’t work out.

Number 9: They will pretend it doesn’t bother them.

The narcissist will pretend it doesn’t bother them. They won’t engage in open conflict and will try to act like everything is fine. Still, you can tell by their body language that they’re pretty upset about the situation. They don’t want to show weakness or admit they were wrong, so they won’t admit to being hurt. It’s part of their game of keeping everything under control and in the shadows.

Narcissists might even act as if they are happy for you, but that is because they want to make sure you don’t start to get any ideas about coming back. They’ll act like it was no big deal like they never cared about you in the first place.

Number 10: They will attack your new partner.

When you move on, the narcissist will probably attack your new partner. They may try to make you feel guilty, or they may even threaten you or your partner. Narcissists will do everything they can to make your life miserable and try to get you back, even if it means destroying the happiness you found with someone else.

The best way to protect yourself from the wrath of a narcissist threatening your new relationship is to remember that what they’re doing has nothing to do with you or your new partner; It’s all about them trying to boost their ego. It’s important to remember if you’re moving on from a relationship with a narcissist, don’t worry about what he thinks or does, and don’t let him make you feel guilty for leaving him behind. You deserve better than that.

 Narcissists don’t really care about anyone else but themselves. For them, it’s all about feeling Superior and Powerful by getting their needs met.

Read More: 8 Types of People That Will Drive Narcissists Crazy.

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