10 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship With A Female Narcissist


Number 9: She never wants to talk about your problems or concerns.

She’ll dismiss them as insignificant or unimportant. In a female narcissist relationship, the narcissist will often tell you that your feelings are invalid. They may say they’re not interested in what you’re saying or don’t care about your opinion.

The female narcissist will also refuse to listen to you when talking about something important. If you say something she will ignore it or change the subject, she might even talk over you and tell you that she doesn’t want to hear. This is especially common when the female narcissist disagrees with what you’re saying. She wants to be correct, so she’ll shut down any argument with silence and a blank face.

Number 10: She’ll often bring up past issues and make it seem like they’re still happening even though they’ve been resolved.

It’s a “hovering tactic,” which means sucking you back in, they’ll do this because they want to keep you around to feel better about themselves. This is a way to try and gain control over situations that have already ended because the narcissist feels like she’s still in charge.

She may do this because she wants to control you by making you feel guilty, or indebted to her for something she did. It’s important not to fall for this manipulation tactic, you need to express your feelings about what happened without feeling guilty or indebted to her. If you’re in a toxic relationship with a female narcissist, you may be dealing with some intense highs and lows.

Remember that if you can break free from the cycle, you will heal yourself in your life and move on. The female narcissist will play her role until she no longer uses you, she’ll quickly shelve you like some old book written by someone more interesting, and she will continue the pattern over again with her next victim.

Read More: 9 Ways to Deal With a Narcissistic Wife

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