10 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship With A Female Narcissist


Number 7: She is never willing to admit that she’s wrong.

No matter what happens, no matter how often she gets caught in lies or manipulative behavior. You know how this works if you’ve ever been in a relationship with a female narcissist. The more you point out her flaws and lies, the more she digs into denial and deceit.

This is because female narcissists are never willing to admit that they’re wrong, no matter what happens. No matter how many times they get caught in lies or manipulative behavior, they just keep going on the same course, acting as if nothing is wrong.

They will continue to insist that everything is fine and the problem lies with you. A narcissist will always try to make you feel guilty for your actions and even make up excuses for why they did it in the first place.

Number 8: She refuses to listen to you or dismisses your feelings as invalid.

When you try to tell her how you feel, she rolls her eyes and tells you she doesn’t care. She might say things like “I’m not the one who’s upset” She might also tell you that she doesn’t want to talk about it because she doesn’t care about your feelings.

Female narcissists will show little to no empathy; even if they are upset. They will also accuse you of being too sensitive and tell you that you’re overreacting. They may give you the cold shoulder and ignore you for days or weeks. When they finally respond, it is usually only when they need something from you.

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