10 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship With A Female Narcissist


Number 5: She never expresses gratitude for what you do for her but instead complains.

You’re probably not getting enough gratitude if you’re dating a female narcissist. They will not thank you when you take her out to see a movie or when she’s sick and you bring her soup, she will complain if she doesn’t like the film or it isn’t spicy enough.

Instead of gratitude, she constantly complains not just about the small things that don’t matter, she’ll complain about important things like your career or your family responsibilities. Female narcissists never express gratitude is simple, they don’t know.

Number 6: She starts to get jealous of your success.

It doesn’t matter how much time you spend together or how much you try to reassure her. You’ve been dating your girlfriend for years, and everything was going great until you started getting more successful. Now, she’s getting jealous of your success. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend together or try to reassure her, she thinks that if she’s not the center of attention then no one will be.

She’ll feel like she has no value unless people tell her how amazing she is. She’ll constantly try to make herself seem better than everyone else; even though deep down inside, she knows that she’s not as good as other people.

She gets angry when she thinks people try to take advantage of her, even if they’re just trying to help and she feels entitled to everything including her heart. She’s convinced that everyone is out to get her, and she’ll fight dirty to make sure that doesn’t happen.

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