10 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship With A Female Narcissist


Number 3: You feel like you’re constantly apologizing for things that aren’t your fault.

Suppose you’re in a relationship with a female narcissist, you’ll often feel like you’re constantly apologizing for things that aren’t your fault. A female narcissist will feel better than you and have more power than you, she’ll try to make you feel like you can be abrasive and mean. They are masters of making other people feel bad about themselves, and they do it by making it seem like it’s your fault for everything that goes wrong in their lives.

Number 4: You’re always the one who has to make plans and take responsibility.

Female narcissists will make you feel like you’re always making plans and taking responsibility. They’ll lie to you and tell you that they can’t go out because of a work emergency, so you have to go out without them and feel hurt or lonely. They’ll put on a front of being super busy with work and school, but then never actually do anything except sit around all day on social media. They’ll call themselves busy when they’re just lazy.

It can be frustrating when you’re in a relationship with a female narcissist, they’re manipulative and controlling, and they’ll make you feel like you need to be the one who plans everything; buys all the gifts, and takes responsibility for everything. As a partner, you feel like you’re doing all of the work, your partner is just coasting along without lifting a finger.

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