10 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship With A Female Narcissist


Number 1: You feel like your relationship is all about her.

A female narcissist will make you feel like your relationship is all about her, she will use her charm and wit to draw you into her web of deceit, and she’ll tell you precisely what you want to hear about yourself and the relationship. How did she think you should act or behave? She’ll praise you for being so intelligent, funny, and attractive.

Whatever qualities she finds most attractive in a partner, she’ll ensure everyone knows how great she thinks you are. She will constantly ask you to do things for her, and if you don’t! She’ll get angry and question why you aren’t doing them. And if she does something for you it’s never enough, she’ll want a lot more in return for what little she did. She’ll make you feel like everything is about her, even when it’s about you.

Number 2: You feel like you’re not good enough as her partner.

When you’re in a relationship with a female narcissist, getting caught up in the drama and allure of her charm can be easy. You’ll probably think that she’s the most beautiful woman in the world, wonder how you ever got so lucky to have her, and then worry about whether she will leave you for someone better.

Female narcissists will make you feel like there’s something wrong with you. In reality, the wrong is in them, you will feel like you’re not good enough for your partners. They’ll do things like pretending your success somehow diminishes theirs. Ignore or belittle your accomplishments, and ensure everyone knows how better their partner is. Female narcissists are never satisfied with their partners, they always want more, better, and different.

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