10 Signs You Are Talking to a Covert Narcissist


Number 8: Antagonistic

Grandiose narcissists are antagonistic; they typically love to argue and get off on baiting your emotions. A covert narcissist, on the other hand, is more defensive and will often resort to attacking your character when you disagree with their perspectives.

They take offense over trivial things, and once offended, anything you say or do to calm the situation or clarify the misunderstanding only fires them up further. Anything you say or do will be twisted until they either start raging or completely shut down.

Number 9: Unrealistic Expectations

Covert narcissists tend to have a long list of expectations and boundaries. They may have specific topics that they refuse to discuss, demands that they insist upon, and strange one-way boundaries. For instance, let’s say a covert narcissist expects you to respond to their texts or calls immediately, yet they feel entitled to answer your messages if and when they feel like it.

Even early on in the relationship, you’ll start to notice that their actions don’t match their words. They have huge lists of boundaries, but there are so many double standards. The rules are continuously changing depending on their mood or their needs.

Number 10: Label Others as Narcissists

Covert narcissists tend to label others as narcissists and abusers. This is a defense mechanism to project their undesirable traits, shame, and self-hatred onto others. It’s another way to gain validation and to try to influence others’ opinions and perceptions of people that they feel hurt or threatened by.

Read More: 5 Ways Your Silence Destroys a Narcissist

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