10 Signs That A Narcissist Is Stalking You


Number 9: Narcissistic behavior makes you feel like they’re always watching and following you.

Whether through social media, text messages, or even just in person, narcissists will try to get their way by making you feel they are always watching and following your every move. By doing this, they hope to intimidate and control you. This makes it difficult for you to trust anyone else because you feel like the person supposed to be protecting you is doing just the opposite.

Narcissists may leave notes at places where they know you’ll find them. They may create situations where they have an opportunity to run into you alone, and you will feel that fear that they are just around, watching, and following you.

Read More: 9 Behaviors of Wives Who Are Abused By Narcissist Husbands.

Number 10: Narcissistic behavior becomes erratic and unpredictable.

There are sudden changes in their behavior or moods, they suddenly start acting overly friendly, or loving one minute and then change their mind the next. They will suddenly show up at your house or workplace unannounced. Narcissists will try to find out where you live, work, or go to school so they can show up there unannounced too. They call you at inappropriate times to check in or just say Hi.

Suppose you notice that a narcissist has become more aggressive than usual or has started exhibiting other disturbing behaviors. In that case, it could mean that they are trying to stalk you, beware! When this happens, a narcissist will try to get your attention and take this as an opportunity to control you.

If you feel like you’re being stalked by a narcissist, take the time to talk to someone you trust about it. It’s one of the best ways to find out exactly what’s going on. If you feel unsafe or unsure about what’s happening, look for help from friends, family members, or even law enforcement officials who can advise you on how to proceed. Stay vigilant and limit your contact with a narcissist.

Read More: 10 Things Narcissists Will Do If You Move On

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