10 Signs That A Narcissist Is Stalking You


Number 7: They pretend to be your friend.

Narcissists are often unable to empathize with others. So, when they do something hurtful, they often don’t realize it until someone else points it out. If you’re being stalked by a narcissist, they will likely try to pretend that they are your friend. They may even go as far as to say that they were only joking when they called you names or made fun of you.

Narcissists know they’re not good at relationships, so they’ll try to make up for this by pretending to be your friend. When they start sending you gifts and doing favors for you, they’ll even act like they’re interested in what you have to say, but if you’re not careful, these gestures will bite you later on when the narcissist wants something from you and needs your help.

Narcissists are not capable of true friendship. They may pretend to be your friend but their motives are always self-serving. They want to use you for their ends, and they will never appreciate or value you for who you are.

Related: 10 Things Narcissists Want To Do To You In The End.

Number 8: They constantly ask how you are doing, even if they haven’t spoken to you.

Narcissists will ask how you’re doing, even if they haven’t spoken to you in years. If you’ve stopped talking to them, they might still try to find a way to reconnect with you by sending messages through mutual friends or acquaintances. Even if those people have explicitly asked them not to contact them anymore. They’ll also try to invite you over for dinner or drinks; They want to know everything about you.

Narcissists will ask questions about your work and your relationships naturally as if it’s just a normal part of the conversation. Suppose you are talking with a narcissist, and they begin asking excessive questions about your life or even asking them aggressively, in that case, that could be a sign that they are stalking you.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

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