10 Signs That A Narcissist Is Stalking You


Number 5: Narcissists may start posting pictures of themselves posing somewhere near you.

It’s no secret that narcissists love to post pictures of themselves, they’re always taking selfies and posting them to social media, making it easier for you to find them. But what if you start seeing a narcissist in your own life? It’s not just that they’re posting pictures of themselves, they’re posting pictures of themselves near you. They post pictures of themselves posing somewhere near you, like at a location of your favorite restaurant, or on the beach where you went on vacation last year.

This is an obvious sign that a narcissist is stalking you. It’s also a way for them to try to make it seem like they were always there, and that they might have even been at the same place as you at the same time. If you start seeing a narcissist nearby regularly, it’s time to take action.

Number 6: They send gifts and notes unexpectedly seemingly out of nowhere.

Narcissists love to send gifts, but their gifts always have strings attached. They might send flowers, cards, or even a gift basket full of things from your favorite store. But the catch is that they want you to be grateful for this gift, and they want you to know how much you mean to them. They want to make sure you appreciate the effort they put into getting something for you, and that you realize how much time and thought went into choosing what’s in the box. While this may seem like a sweet gesture, it signifies that the narcissist is stalking you.

Narcissists want to let you know that they have been paying attention to your life and have noticed every aspect of it, including the things that matter most to you. They also want to make sure that they are still on your mind even though they aren’t physically present in your life anymore. Narcissists love it when people miss them because it makes them feel important and loved by others.

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