10 Signs That A Narcissist Is Stalking You


Stalking is when the narcissist is trying to intimidate you and restrict your freedom to keep control over you. Stalking often causes emotional and psychological harm to the target. You usually end up living in some state of fear.

Being stalked by a narcissist can bring on an extreme level of anxiety when our anxieties are already at a high from the abuse. It’s natural for our brain to want to protect ourselves from danger; unfortunately, sometimes, this can work against us as we can then exaggerate the danger within our own minds, making our anxieties worse.

Have you ever felt like someone was stalking you? Most of us had our moments. A stalker isn’t someone who just follows you around at the grocery store on a Saturday night, It’s more serious than that. And if they’re a narcissist, you know they’ll make things difficult.

Here are 10 signs a narcissist is stalking you.

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