10 Signs That A Narcissist Is Stalking You


Stalking is when the narcissist is trying to intimidate you and restrict your freedom to keep control over you. Stalking often causes emotional and psychological harm to the target. You usually end up living in some state of fear.

Being stalked by a narcissist can bring on an extreme level of anxiety when our anxieties are already at a high from the abuse. It’s natural for our brain to want to protect ourselves from danger; unfortunately, sometimes, this can work against us as we can then exaggerate the danger within our own minds, making our anxieties worse.

Have you ever felt like someone was stalking you? Most of us had our moments. A stalker isn’t someone who just follows you around at the grocery store on a Saturday night, It’s more serious than that. And if they’re a narcissist, you know they’ll make things difficult.

Here are 10 signs a narcissist is stalking you.

Number 1: Narcissists keep showing up at the same place as you are.

The first sign that a narcissist is stalking you is their appearance in the same place as you. Narcissists keep showing up at the same place as you are, even when they don’t know you’ll be there. They will show up wherever they think you will be, and they will not give up until they get what they want from you. Narcissists like to show up at the same place as you to be able to keep tabs on you.

Number 2: They ensure they have access to your personal information without asking you directly.

Narcissists often don’t want to ask for things directly because it might make them seem needy or weak. So instead, they’ll try and find ways around asking for information directly. For example, suppose your friend keeps asking you where you’re going on vacation next week, without ever mentioning that she wants to come along with you. In that case, she might just be trying to get access to your plans to decide which day is best for her schedule, or so she can stick around. They will also want to know everything about you to use that information against you later on.

Number 3: They start contacting you more often than usual.

With a narcissist, it’s all about the chase, they need to know that they have your attention and that you’re thinking about them. If they’re not getting this validation from you, they’re likely to contact you more frequently to keep their ego fed. They will start contacting you more often than usual.

They may be making more phone calls, sending more emails, or arranging more meetings. Narcissists tend to be very controlling and possessive, so if they start contacting you more often than usual, it could be a sign that they are stalking you. Don’t hesitate to cut off all communication with them if this happens.

Number 4: They might begin following your social media accounts obsessively.

Narcissists might begin following your social media accounts obsessively or creating fake accounts to follow you on those platforms. They may even start to like everything you post and comment on it. This can make you feel like they’re intruding on your personal space, which is often the case with narcissists stalking you. They might even send you messages on social media, which can confuse you and make you feel like they’re obsessed with you.

Number 5: Narcissists may start posting pictures of themselves posing somewhere near you.

It’s no secret that narcissists love to post pictures of themselves, they’re always taking selfies and posting them to social media, making it easier for you to find them. But what if you start seeing a narcissist in your own life? It’s not just that they’re posting pictures of themselves, they’re posting pictures of themselves near you. They post pictures of themselves posing somewhere near you, like at a location of your favorite restaurant, or on the beach where you went on vacation last year.

This is an obvious sign that a narcissist is stalking you. It’s also a way for them to try to make it seem like they were always there, and that they might have even been at the same place as you at the same time. If you start seeing a narcissist nearby regularly, it’s time to take action.

Number 6: They send gifts and notes unexpectedly seemingly out of nowhere.

Narcissists love to send gifts, but their gifts always have strings attached. They might send flowers, cards, or even a gift basket full of things from your favorite store. But the catch is that they want you to be grateful for this gift, and they want you to know how much you mean to them. They want to make sure you appreciate the effort they put into getting something for you, and that you realize how much time and thought went into choosing what’s in the box. While this may seem like a sweet gesture, it signifies that the narcissist is stalking you.

Narcissists want to let you know that they have been paying attention to your life and have noticed every aspect of it, including the things that matter most to you. They also want to make sure that they are still on your mind even though they aren’t physically present in your life anymore. Narcissists love it when people miss them because it makes them feel important and loved by others.

Number 7: They pretend to be your friend.

Narcissists are often unable to empathize with others. So, when they do something hurtful, they often don’t realize it until someone else points it out. If you’re being stalked by a narcissist, they will likely try to pretend that they are your friend. They may even go as far as to say that they were only joking when they called you names or made fun of you.

Narcissists know they’re not good at relationships, so they’ll try to make up for this by pretending to be your friend. When they start sending you gifts and doing favors for you, they’ll even act like they’re interested in what you have to say, but if you’re not careful, these gestures will bite you later on when the narcissist wants something from you and needs your help.

Narcissists are not capable of true friendship. They may pretend to be your friend but their motives are always self-serving. They want to use you for their ends, and they will never appreciate or value you for who you are.

Number 8: They constantly ask how you are doing, even if they haven’t spoken to you.

Narcissists will ask how you’re doing, even if they haven’t spoken to you in years. If you’ve stopped talking to them, they might still try to find a way to reconnect with you by sending messages through mutual friends or acquaintances. Even if those people have explicitly asked them not to contact them anymore. They’ll also try to invite you over for dinner or drinks; They want to know everything about you.

Narcissists will ask questions about your work and your relationships naturally as if it’s just a normal part of the conversation. Suppose you are talking with a narcissist, and they begin asking excessive questions about your life or even asking them aggressively, in that case, that could be a sign that they are stalking you.

Number 9: Narcissistic behavior makes you feel like they’re always watching and following you.

Whether through social media, text messages, or even just in person, narcissists will try to get their way by making you feel they are always watching and following your every move. By doing this, they hope to intimidate and control you. This makes it difficult for you to trust anyone else because you feel like the person supposed to be protecting you is doing just the opposite.

Narcissists may leave notes at places where they know you’ll find them. They may create situations where they have an opportunity to run into you alone, and you will feel that fear that they are just around, watching, and following you.

Number 10: Narcissistic behavior becomes erratic and unpredictable.

There are sudden changes in their behavior or moods, they suddenly start acting overly friendly, or loving one minute and then change their mind the next. They will suddenly show up at your house or workplace unannounced. Narcissists will try to find out where you live, work, or go to school so they can show up there unannounced too. They call you at inappropriate times to check in or just say Hi.

Suppose you notice that a narcissist has become more aggressive than usual or has started exhibiting other disturbing behaviors. In that case, it could mean that they are trying to stalk you, beware! When this happens, a narcissist will try to get your attention and take this as an opportunity to control you.

If you feel like you’re being stalked by a narcissist, take the time to talk to someone you trust about it. It’s one of the best ways to find out exactly what’s going on. If you feel unsafe or unsure about what’s happening, look for help from friends, family members, or even law enforcement officials who can advise you on how to proceed. Stay vigilant and limit your contact with a narcissist.

Read More: 10 Things Narcissists Will Do If You Move On

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