10 Signs A Narcissist Is Manipulating You


Number 5: They are arrogant and boastful.

Narcissists tend to be very self-centered and egotistical, so they often have a high opinion of themselves. They may brag about their accomplishments or make others feel inferior by faking superiority over them, which is the usual scenario of any relationship you will have with a narcissist.

When you think your partner is being an airhead to the point of undermining your success and strengths, you must be very careful with your next step because they are pretty clear on their intentions with you, taking advantage of you.

A thin line separates someone who is just arrogant and a narcissist. It may be hard to see it, but with constant prying, narcissists will surely blow their covers themselves.

Number 6: They lack empathy.

If you start to notice that someone you know lacks empathy, stray away from them immediately. It is never wrong to protect yourself from trash people, especially narcissists. And having no compassion is one of the early signs that you are dealing with narcissists.

There is no saying when they will move and start manipulating you. They don’t have much concern for other people’s feelings and needs, which makes it difficult for them to be in close relationships with others. But if you stay with them, they will also make your life difficult.

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