10 Signs A Narcissist Is Manipulating You


Number 3: They have no sense of guilt or remorse.

Narcissists are often unable to feel wrong about how they treat others. Even when they hurt someone’s feelings, they may seem like they don’t care what happens to people around them and only care about themselves. While some narcissists might not be able to feel guilt, they do recognize it but don’t have the intention to learn the emotion.

Here is where narcissists can start to manipulate you. Even though they won’t put any effort into learning how guilt works, they will play the part to get you to come to them. They hide their true itinerary from you, the cold and conniving person they are. The worst part is they will enjoy fooling you around.

That is why when you see even the little signs telling you that your partner doesn’t have any sense of guilt or remorse, that’s enough reason to start thinking if it’s right to stay with them. But with the possibility of you getting manipulated by a troubled person, the safest choice would be to walk away.

Number 4: They are hypersensitive.

When you ask a simple question, did you ever see someone explode in anger? Usually, someone constantly hides something or with an inflated ego reacts this way, which is the most vivid description of narcissists. They may also respond with anger when someone else gets more attention or praise than they do.

A slight bit of neglect is a reason for them to be upset with you, but they aren’t upset. Narcissists are just afraid that someone will be able to snatch them away. That is why they act as if they won’t be able to survive without you, but in reality, they are doing it to boost their ego.

Having someone who can’t leave them behind gives them more power. You must analyze the situation and whether your partner’s emotion is valid or unreasonable. That will be the critical point for you to be able to decide if they are manipulating you or not.

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