10 Signs A Narcissist Is Manipulating You


Number 1: They constantly need to be the center of attention.

Narcissists crave attention and praise like a drug, but they don’t care where it comes from; they want it. They may often talk about themselves in a way that makes you uncomfortable because it seems self-centered or boastful. Still, they don’t realize how much they are bragging, and sometimes you won’t even know they are doing it.

You might find yourself excusing them for their actions, but you are blinding yourself from seeing the truth. The truth is that they are manipulating you to give them the attention they want. If you are unaware of their ways of doing it, they trick you by making you feel guilty and forcing you to stay by their side.

The more you get to know them, the more it becomes clear they have no genuine interest in you. They want you to be their audience, so they can tell their stories about how amazing they are, and how much better than everyone else. If you ever find yourself in a relationship with a narcissist, it is crucial to understand the science.

If your partner makes you feel like everything is always about them, and that they are more important than anyone else, then chances are high that they have a narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissists will also be manipulative and try to get what they want out of any situation by using guilt trips or making people feel sorry for them.

Number 2: They blame others for their problems.

Narcissists always look for ways to shift the blame for their actions, even when it’s apparent that they are responsible for what happened. Also, they claim that someone else made them do something or that someone else tricked them into doing it, even if it’s clear that no one did anything except them.

And they may even try to pin the blame on you, saying that you made them do it, and that is just one of the ways of manipulating you. They rarely take responsibility for their actions and often make excuses for them instead.

Narcissists often attempt this by playing the blame game, accusing you of doing something wrong or pointing out your flaws to make them look good. Narcissists will also try to turn the situation around, making it seem like they are getting victimized.

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