10 Reasons Why Narcissists Can Never Control You


Number 9: You say no without feeling guilty or apologizing for it.

You can’t control many things and that’s okay we all have to accept that there are some things that we can’t change. But the one thing you should never let anyone take from you is your ability to say no when something isn’t right for you. Narcissists love to make their victims feel guilty about everything. So, if you can say no without feeling bad about it, they will never get the opportunity to control you.

Being in a relationship with a narcissist feels like you’re always walking on eggshells, they love to have things their way and are not afraid to use manipulation to get there. Saying no may often be seen as rude or disrespectful. Still, to escape the narcissist’s toxicity, you must learn to stand up for yourself and say no when appropriate.

Number 10: You know how to set boundaries for yourself and hold them.

Narcissists will never respect your boundaries, they don’t care that you need time or space to breathe and do things independently. As long as they get their way, they don’t care what it takes. Suppose you know it’s okay and not okay and communicate your boundaries.

In that case, there’s no way a narcissist can manipulate or control you. a narcissist will try to get you to give up your power and relationships by telling you that it’s not okay for you to have specific needs, desires, or opinions.

They’ll let you know that they’ve always been the ones who have held the Reigns in their relationships and that they don’t want anything different now. If you’ve been able to hold firm in the face of a narcissist’s attempts to control you, you’re free and a lot stronger than steel.

Be the person that you want to be whatever you do, and do not allow your life to be taken over by a narcissist. Just remember, narcissists, see you as an object and don’t care about who you are as a person. They cannot accept that there are some things they can’t control.

And on top of that, they’re utterly incapable of accepting their faults and shortcomings, so they blame others for their failures. These signs will help you realize that you have power over the narcissist’s control.

Read More: 6 Things That Instantly Triggers a Narcissist

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