10 Reasons Why Narcissists Can Never Control You


Number 5: you make choices that are right for you.

If you’re making the right choices for yourself, you don’t have to worry about a narcissist controlling you. They want to control everything around them. Narcissists get angry and frustrated when people don’t want to do what they want or act how they want. If you’re living your life how you want to live it, then there’s nothing for them to control.

They can’t manipulate you into doing what they want because they can’t make choices for themselves either. And narcissists will try to convince you that your choices are wrong or selfish. But the truth is that narcissists don’t care about what’s good for others, they only care about themselves.

They will not be happy if you make choices that don’t benefit them, they’ll try to manipulate you into thinking your choices will help them but they will only hurt you.

Number 6: You know that your needs are important.

If you’ve ever been in a relationship with a narcissist, you know that your needs are never critical. A narcissist will never care about what works for you or makes you happy, they only care about themselves and what they want to do and also, will expect you to go along with it because they’re the ones in charge.

When you’re with a narcissist, you can feel like you don’t matter. When you’re with someone who cares about your needs, they ensure you get what you need before anything else. They don’t worry about themselves first and don’t expect anything from you in return for their kindness and generosity of spirit.

When you are with them, you know that you deserve to have your needs met and that those needs are important to discuss. Whether it’s about what you want for dinner, or what kind of vacation you want next summer.

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