What are the mental illnesses you get from narcissists?


How difficult is it to deal with narcissists? Did you get illnesses from dealing with them? I’m going to share 10 Mental Illnesses you get from dealing with Narcissists.

A narcissist is someone who makes you feel less than human. They are self-centered individuals who always assume that they are superior to others. They are the master manipulator, and being around them is toxic and can lead to various traumas and mental illnesses.

Dealing with such individuals for an extended period may result in permanent trauma and psychological repercussions.

This article will show you 10 mental illnesses you get from narcissists. Let’s dive in!

Number 10: Self-harm.

Is it going to help or hurt? As the cliché goes, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Words may not hurt physically, but they do harm emotionally. They can cut far deeper and take much longer to heal than physical injuries. Even so, they frequently leave wounds that last a lifetime.

When the emotional pain of narcissistic abuse becomes too intense to bear, we may resort to self-destructive coping mechanisms. People use this to cope with feelings of isolation or inadequacy, as well as guilt over events that aren’t their fault.

The stress and harm that a narcissist causes will never be easy. This can also lead you to hurt yourself more and more. So, it’s better to leave the narcissist behind and move on with your life to avoid self-harm.

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5 Tell Tale Signs Of Narcissistic Collapse

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