10 Common Words You Must Know to Describe Narcissist Interactions


Number 8. Flying monkeys.

The flying monkey is the person that the narcissist may use to help them do their dirty work. They can help them spread lies about the real victim. The flying monkey can be the person the narcissist turns to complain about how unfairly they are being treated in any number of situations.

The flying monkey will be the one who comes to their defense providing the attention the narcissist needs to make them feel like they are right in any situation. In healthy relationships, differences of opinion are respected. However, narcissists do not like to be disagreed with. The flying monkey is the one the narcissist can depend on to always have their back and agree with them when they’re wrong.

Number 9. Smear campaign.

The narcissist uses the smear campaign to try and ruin your reputation or just tarnish it a little. The narcissist will be more likely to try to ruin your reputation if they have sustained a severe narcissistic injury. But even if they haven’t it’s likely that they will run a smear campaign.

They want to plant the seeds to tarnish a reputation just enough so that things go wrong in a relationship, friendship, at work, at school, at church, or wherever it matters that they will have put enough doubt in everyone’s mind about you, that everyone will automatically think you are to blame. They will not suspect that the narcissist was the puppet master all along.

Number 10. Narcissistic injury.

Narcissistic injury is the blow the narcissist takes to their already fragile ego. If you threaten a narcissist’s ego, discard a narcissist before they have another narcissistic supply ready, disagree with them make them, feel shame, or do anything that gives them a taste of their own medicine. They may sustain a narcissistic injury to their ego.

The more severe the injuries sustained the greater the revenge they may invoke. And there are no limits to how far a narcissist will go to seek revenge on someone who has caused them a narcissistic injury. They can employ any number of things such as a smear campaign, cheating with your best friend, the silent treatment, and just about any tactic they feel will be the appropriate amount of punishment for your actions, and trust me they can be very creative. The possibilities of how you can be potentially punished for a narcissistic injury are unlimited.

Read More: How To Start Distancing Yourself From A Narcissist

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