10 Common Words You Must Know to Describe Narcissist Interactions


Number 4. The discard.

Is the term used to describe the phrase when the narcissist leaves you or is no longer interested in dealing with you (for the moment anyway)? They don’t typically like to discard you permanently unless you’ve caused them a serious narcissistic injury (more on that later).

In the typical discard, they like to do it so that you’ll be right where they left you when they return. But you’ll notice the start of the discard because the attention you may have received at the beginning of the relationship will start to diminish, and they now seem somewhat bored by your presence if they are even still communicating with you.

If you are in a romantic relationship this is typically the phase when they have found another supply. The discard gives them the space and opportunity to focus and concentrate their needs on the new supply. While you are in the discard phase they are simultaneously in the love bombing phase with their new supply.

Number 5. The hoover.

This slang term gets its name from the Hoover vacuum cleaner. This is the word used to describe how a narcissist sucks you back in like a vacuum cleaner after they have discarded you. When you met the narcissist, they were probably one of the sweetest most charming people you ever met.

You see narcissistic relationships usually end with the discard. At the beginning of the relationship, they think you’re the best thing since sliced bread, but eventually, you will get discarded like all others before you. After the discard, you may feel despair, sadness, and confusion. They will leave you high and dry.

The issue is once you have realized that they’re not coming back and you’ve decided to take your life back into your own hands, this is when they will make their perfectly timed return. They will tell you how they were wrong for leaving you and tell you that they miss you, and just would like one more chance to make it right. Everything you wanted to hear while you were in the relationship. Once you give them this one more chance they will likely go back to their old ways and discard you again.

You see after a narcissist has discarded you, they typically only come back because they are low on narcissistic supply, which we discussed earlier. You know the fuel that they need to keep moving forward. If you allow them to, they will likely employ the hoover on you over and over again anytime they are low on the supply only to discard you once again as soon as their primary supply sources are replenished.

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